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Sweet two year old Audrey is a perfectly gentle, laid back kitty. If you’re looking for a quiet companion to enjoy every day to its fullest with, take a moment to get to know this gorgeous kitty!

With her mild disposition, Audrey can be a bit shy when she’s first getting to know new people - Don’t you worry though, once she knows that you’re here to be her new best friend, Audrey’s ready to let you in to her heart!

Audrey greatly appreciates soft attention and patient introductions, once she gets to know you she lets you pet her from tail to tip, and you can even scoop her up in your arms to keep her close to you. Sometimes, if Audrey is particularly fond of you, she will even let you touch that ultra soft tummy of hers.

Audrey has discovered a love of play time, especially if it involves anything that she can leap or chase after like a wiggly wand or a ribbon toy.

Audrey grew up with a large family of cats and gets along well with other felines. She is also okay with gentle children.